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Skyblock Remastered

Skyblock^RM Official Trailer

Skyblock^RM Description

Skyblock is a survival game in which you start on a small floating island completely surrounded by nothing but the void. The key to this game is to, well, survive. The idea behind it is to survive with limited resources whilst hovering above an empty world where at any moment you can plumet into the void. Your objective is to use your own creativity to create an island of your dreams, whilst also working towards progressing through different ages. Progression requires materials, you'll only start with a few materials, the rest you'll have to obtain via the Skyblock Store which is accessible through the Skyblock Hub.

Skyblock^RM Rules

Skyblock^RM Contents

All about your Sky Islands

In Skyblock Remastered Edition you will spawn on an island that is much more detailed and bigger scale than the original game. The island is made up of grass blocks, dirt, cobblestone, stone, mossy cobblestone, coarse dirt, and other various decorative blocks. The island is approximately 12 by 10 blocks in width and 17 blocks in height (information based on the structure file). The island consists of lights, a custom oak tree, a team banner, a single chest and a soul soil block. The lights are present so you can see at night time, they do not prevent mobs spawning as natural mob spawning is disabled. The lights also provide light for crops and saplings to grow at night time. The oak tree is your starting source of wood, feel free to chop it down to get started. The team banner is just decorative. The chest contains 1 frozen water, 3 golden carrots, 1 oak sapling, 1 bucket of lava and of course, a trusty guidebook. You can use the provided golden carrots as a food source. The oak sapling is just in case one doesn't drop from the custom tree. The frozen water can be placed and broken for water, feel free to use that and the lava bucket to make a cobblestone generator. The guidebook will provide a lot of basic information about the game, make sure to read it. Finally, the soul soil block will be what takes you to the Skyblock Hub once broken, this replaces the old rooted dirt block in the original Skyblock game.

All about the Skyblock Hub

The Skyblock Hub in Skyblock Remastered is about quadruple the size of the original in the first edition of Skyblock. Its bigger scale is not just decorative though, it allows access to twelve unique areas, as opposed to the original game only allowing access to four. The Hub is separated into four main sections: "play" (marked by green), "quests" (marked by yellow), "store" (marked by blue) and "explore" (marked by purple). You'll then find doors to eight smaller sections: "[Redacted]", "Crafting", "Blacksmith", "Brewery", "[Redacted]", "[Redacted]", "[Redacted]" and "Settings". The original Skyblock had four main sections too: "play" (remained the same), "store" (remained the same, sort of), "the nether" (replaced by "explore") and "the end" (replaced by "explore"). The "play" section will do exactly what it used to do and teleport you to your team's Sky Island. The "store" section is also the same (sort of), you'll still be able to buy and sell items here, but quests have moved from that of the original Skyblock. Quests will now be found in the "quests" section, obviously. The "explore" section has access to areas of exploration; including, but not limited to, the newly announced features "Skyblock Dungeons" and "Skyblock Mines".

All about the Skyblock Store

The Skyblock Store can be accessed by visiting the Skyblock Hub. The Skyblock Store is where you may sell items for in-game virtual currency and where you can then use that in-game virtual currency for in-game purchases inside the store. In the selling segment of the store, you'll find a portal that allows you to select the destination you wish to go to. You will see a button located next to the portal as you enter the selling segment. You will have the choice of four rooms, each of which offers the ability to sell different types of items, these are: "Ores", "Logs", "Crops" and "Mob Drops". Once you select your destination using the button, enter the room and you'll see a large selection of pressure plates. Each pressure plate is labelled visually and with a sign to let you know what item it will sell. To sell the item, you'll need to step on the pressure plate. Once you step on the pressure plate, you'll start selling each item at the quantity selected, the default being one at a time. You'll receive a message in chat that only you can see, it will show you the transaction you just made.

You can find a list of all the items that can be sold here.

In the buying segment of the store, you'll be immediately greeted with three rooms. These rooms are like mini-kiosks, or as I like to call them, "mini-stores". Each room is essentially the same, each offering you the ability to buy the same items as the others. In the old Skyblock Store buying segment you were just able to go and buy whatever item you'd by exploring a huge two-floor structure. For convenience, this has changed so that you can have the full experience as before but in one singular place. Firstly, you'll notice each room has white stained glass acting as a barrier, this identifies the room as "free to use", meaning no one is currently inside of it. Only one person will be able to enter each room, even if they are on your team; this is the reason there are three rooms, so multiple users may buy items without having to wait for someone else. You may enter a room with white stained glass by simply walking over the respawn anchor by the glass. Upon entering, the glass behind you will change colour depending on the team you are on (e.g. if you are on team Aqua, the glass will change to light blue stained glass). To buy an item in the buying segment of the Skyblock Store, you may simply find the item you want and press the button to purchase it. If you can't currently see the item you wish to buy on display, then you may change the items displayed by pressing one of the orange buttons located on the floor in front of the display. Once you make a purchase from the store, a message will be displayed in chat for YOUR entire team; letting you, and them know the details of the transaction you just made.

You can find a list of all the items that can be bought here.

All about Skyblock Coins

Skyblock Coins are a form of in-game virtual currency that you can use for in-game purchases. This currency does not require any forms of real-world currency to gain. You can make coins by selling items in-game. In the old edition of the game, you had a member of your team (usually the person who started the island) act as a "team leader". While the "team leader" had no special perks associated with them, they were the ones who had all the coins stored on them. The system would work by adding everyone's current collected coins and totalling them up so that they be displayed on the team coins scoreboard. While I won't go into the details of how this system worked completely, it did have several issues. One of the main issues with it was that you could only see how much the team had in total when the "team leader" was online, which made seeing what team was the wealthiest quite difficult. Another issue was that the system worked in a way where it would add all the coins to a total, then reset the total just to add them again, this had to be done to stop the system from adding all the coins onto the total indefinitely. Finally, the most notable issue was that each player had their own coins and which meant that to make a purchase, you would need one person on your team to have the full amount.

In the new edition of the game, the Skyblock Store has full support for a team-based currency. This means that no currency is ever stored on a player; or at least one that is real. With no coins ever being stored on a player, it means that there is no allocated "team leader", making everyone on the team an equal member. It also means that if all of the team members are offline, their total amount is still actively displayed on the scoreboard. Finally, it means that no player has an individual amount of coins and purchases can be made by any member of your team.

All about Skyblock Ore Generators

Skyblock Remastered, like the old version, has Ore Generators that allow you to produce various ores on your Sky Island. These generators come in many forms and essentially provide you access to infinite ores. The Ore Generators you may obtain in Skyblock Remastered are Coal Generator, Iron Generator, Gold Generator, Copper Generator, Redstone Generator, Lapis Lazuli Generator and for xS Premium subscribers, there is also the Emerald Generator. Once you mine an ore generator, you'll be given the ore of whatever the generator type it is (e.g. the Coal Generator will give you coal), the ore block will then transform into a stained terracotta block. The rates of each ore are the exact same as vanilla Minecraft. The stained terracotta block will replace itself back to the ore after a delay if a player is within 20 blocks of the stained terracotta block. Once the ore returns, you may mine it again for more resources. In the old version of Skyblock, there was such a thing as a Diamond Ore Generator, but this has since been decided against in the new version; for diamonds, you'll need to get them whilst exploring. For a list of all Ore Generators, their delays, their resource drops and more information, see here.

The following segment requires more information, this information will be added in a future game update

All about Skyblock Dungeons

All information about Skyblock Dungeons is outdated and will be replaced with updated information soon. Skyblock Dungeons is being changed, to bring a better experience and easier development cycle.

Skyblock Dungeons is a huge addition to the Skyblock Remastered game, allowing you to explore a fully-fledged dungeon experience inside Skyblock Remastered. The dungeon will generate in a seven-by-seven grid. The dungeon will be randomly generated with procedural generation once per day (each time the world is loaded up for the first time in that IRL day). Procedural generation is a method of creating data algorithmically rather than manually, this just means that the generation is done using an algorithm hard-coded into the game (an algorithm is just a set of rules used in calculations and various problem-solving operations). The dungeon is a huge 111 blocks by 111 blocks with an area of 12,321 blocks (roughly 7 chunks by 7 chunks). The dungeon structures are roughly 11 blocks in height, giving the entire dungeon a volume of about 135,531 blocks. The dungeon is constructed mainly of the following blocks: stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, stone, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, andesite, podzol, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, dirt and iron bars.

The dungeon is constructed of various room pieces which are 15 blocks by 15 blocks with an area of 225 blocks. These rooms are 11 blocks in height, giving each room a volume of about 2,475 blocks. There are seven room pieces for the game to use, these are corner rooms; edge rooms; entrance rooms; single entrance rooms; hallway navigation rooms; t-junction navigation rooms and crossroad navigation rooms. All room pieces except the entrance room piece have two initial types with unique shapes. The entrance room piece only has one. All thirteen unique types of room pieces have five unique layouts, making the total layouts of rooms 65. With each of the thirteen unique types of room pieces having five unique layouts each, one of those layouts for each room type is considered "rare". Each "rare" room layout has visually unique features to differentiate it from the regular dungeon theme, as well as improved chest loot. Each room layout has five unique variants, making the total number of room variations 325. Additionally, every room apart from the entrance room piece can be generated in four rotations, making the total variations a whopping 1,225. All 325 room variations have a hidden container that lists the room's layout and variation.

Throughout Skyblock Dungeons you'll come across several loot chest types, these are decoration containers, loot containers and collectable containers. A decoration container has no contents, it is just there for visual decoration, nothing more. A collectable container is the 325 hidden containers you'll find in every room variation, these items are just there for fun, they serve no real purpose other than collectables. A loot container will come in five unique rarities, these are common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary. Each loot container rarity has its own loot table. More information about containers and loot tables will be added at a later date. Additionally, you'll find dungeon mob information in this area too, once it's done.

Skyblock^RM Patch Notes

Patch 2.0.1

New additions -

- Cobblestone

- Cobbled Deepslate

- Blackstone

- Netherrack

- Frozen Water

- Calcite

- Tuff


Hotfix 2.0.15


Patch 2.0.2


Patch 2.0.3


Patch 2.0.4

New additions -

- Sell 1 wheat for 3 coins

- Sell 1 carrot for 4 coins

- Sell 1 potato for 5 coins

- Sell 1 beetroot for 2 coins

- Sell 1 sugar cane for 4 coins

- Sell 1 melon for 8 coins

- Sell 1 pumpkin for 8 coins

- Sell 8 wheat for 24 coins

- Sell 8 carrots for 32 coins

- Sell 8 potatoes for 40 coins

- Sell 8 beetroot for 16 coins

- Sell 8 sugar cane for 32 coins

- Sell 8 melons for 64 coins

- Sell 8 pumpkins for 64 coins

- Sell 32 wheat for 96 coins

- Sell 32 carrots for 128 coins

- Sell 32 potatoes for 160 coins

- Sell 32 beetroot for 64 coins

- Sell 32 sugar cane for 128 coins

- Sell 32 melons for 256 coins

- Sell 32 pumpkins for 256 coins


Patch 2.0.5

New additions -


Any new patch notes will be added here

Skyblock^RM Links