Causes that mean a lot to xSnipez Games
Supported Causes
Mind is a charity organisation that supports all kinds of people struggling with mental health
Mental health affects everyone. It is vital to take care of your mental health, no matter what it is you're struggling with. Many kinds of mental health problems can affect our day-to-day lives and even our gaming sessions. Examples include but are not limited to depression, anxiety, stress, anger and loneliness. If you'd like to learn more about mental health issues, donate or check the charity out; use the buttons below.
World Wide Fund
World Wide Fund (WWF) is an enviromental organisation that aims to "bring the world back to life"
Our planet is struggling. We must take action to help our planet thrive. The World Wide Fund (WWF) works to protect, restore and maintain crucial natural landscapes. They also work to protect endangered habitats and animals. Let's help our planet together. If you'd like to learn more about environmental issues, donate or adopt an animal; use the buttons below.