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Log Clicker^TM
Log Clicker
Log Clicker Official Trailer (2024)
Log Clicker Description
Log Clicker^TM is a simple game that involves debarking a log. Players are to debark a log which will add to their "click" score and also reward them with money. This money can then be spent on additional tools or upgrades to better increase their income per log debarked. The game is essentially a Minecraft interpretation of the game Cookie Clicker.
Log Clicker Rules
Please remember to take regular breaks.
Please be supportive and kind to others.
Please do not abuse any broken features.
Log Clicker Contents
Choosing a Team
Once you join the Log Clicker^TM game, you'll be greeted with a menu which explains the very basics of the game. Upon exiting the menu, you will be given a wooden axe to start with. The room you see when you exit the start menu is the team selection room. The team selection room will allow you to choose the team you'd like to join. Joining a team is easy. If you'd like to join the red team, walk over to the portal surrounded by red blocks. This same logic applies to each team colour. Wait by the portal for 10 seconds to be assigned to that team and taken to your new team's play area.
There are a minimal amount of tools the player may obtain throughout their playthrough of Log Click^TM. These tools are a Wooden Axe, Stone Axe and Iron Axe. Players may purchase these at any time by interacting with their team's team manager. Please note that the Stone Axe and Iron Axe can only be purchased when you have upgraded to the corresponding tool quality upgrade requirement. A higher-tier axe will allow you to click the log for longer. An axe will always provide the player with double the amount of money that it costs to purchase the axe (unless a log quality upgrade is purchased):
A Wooden Axe has a durability of 60 and therefore costs £30 (£30 profit without a log quality upgrade)
A Stone Axe has a durability of 132 and therefore costs £65 (£66 profit without a log quality upgrade)
An Iron Axe has a durability of 251 and therefore costs £125 (£126 profit without a log quality upgrade)
There are three types of upgrades that a team may purchase to increase their rate of income. Players may upgrade the tool quality, log cooldown and log quality. A tool quality upgrade will allow players to purchase higher-quality tools. A log cooldown upgrade will reduce the amount of time it takes for a new log to be given. A log quality upgrade will change the type of log that is given and increase the income per click amount.
Tool Quality Upgrades:
Amount of purchasable upgrades: 2
Tool Upgrade I (costs £350, unlocks the ability to buy Stone Axes)
Tool Upgrade II (costs £1250, unlocks the ability to buy Iron Axes)
Log Cooldown Upgrades:
Amount of purchasable upgrades: 24
Cooldown Upgrade I (costs £30, cooldown changes from 140t/7s to 135t/6.75s)
Cooldown Upgrade II (costs £250, cooldown changes from 135t/6.75s to 130t/6.5s)
Cooldown Upgrade III (costs £750, cooldown changes from 130t/6.5s to 125t/6.25s)
Cooldown Upgrade IV (costs £1250, cooldown changes from 125t/6.25s to 120t/6s)
Cooldown Upgrade V (costs £2000, cooldown changes from 120t/6s to 115t/5.75s)
Cooldown Upgrade VI (costs £2750, cooldown changes from 115t/5.75s to 110t/5.5s)
Cooldown Upgrade VII (costs £3750, cooldown changes from 110t/5.5s to 105t/5.25s)
Cooldown Upgrade VIII (costs £4750, cooldown changes from 105t/5.25s to 100t/5s)
Cooldown Upgrade IX (costs £6000, cooldown changes from 100t/5s to 95t/4.75s)
Cooldown Upgrade X (costs £7250, cooldown changes from 95t/4.75s to 90t/4.5s)
Cooldown Upgrade XI (costs £8750, cooldown changes from 90t/4.5s to 85t/4.25s)
Cooldown Upgrade XII (costs £10250, cooldown changes from 85t/4.25s to 80t/4s)
Cooldown Upgrade XIII (costs £12000, cooldown changes from 80t/4s to 75t/3.75s)
Cooldown Upgrade XIV (costs £13750, cooldown changes from 75t/3.75s to 70t/3.5s)
Cooldown Upgrade XV (costs £15750, cooldown changes from 70t/3.5s to 65t/3.25s)
Cooldown Upgrade XVI (costs £17750, cooldown changes from 65t/3.25s to 60t/3s)
Cooldown Upgrade XVII (costs £20000, cooldown changes from 60t/3s to 55t/2.75s)
Cooldown Upgrade XVIII (costs £22250, cooldown changes from 55t/2.75s to 50t/2.5s)
Cooldown Upgrade XIX (costs £24750, cooldown changes from 50t/2.5s to 45t/2.25s)
Cooldown Upgrade XX (costs £27250, cooldown changes from 45t/2.25s to 40t/2s)
Cooldown Upgrade XXI (costs £30000, cooldown changes from 40t/2s to 35t/1.75s)
Cooldown Upgrade XXII (costs £32750, cooldown changes from 35t/1.75s to 30t/1.5s)
Cooldown Upgrade XXIII (costs £35750, cooldown changes from 30t/1.5s to 25t/1.25s)
Cooldown Upgrade XXIV (costs £38750, cooldown changes from 25t/1.25s to 20t/1s)
Log Quality Upgrades:
Amount of purchasable upgrades: 5
Log Quality Upgrade I (costs £500, log changes to spruce and incomes increase from 1 to 2 per click)
Log Quality Upgrade II (costs £2500, log changes to dark oak and incomes increase from 2 to 3 per click)
Log Quality Upgrade III (costs £7500, log changes to mangrove and incomes increase from 3 to 4 per click)
Log Quality Upgrade IV (costs £15000, log changes to cherry and incomes increase from 4 to 5 per click)
Log Quality Upgrade V (costs £30000, log changes to pale oak and incomes increase from 5 to 6 per click)
Statistics are tracked for all players and teams. These statistics can be viewed at any time from the team manager screen. Each player has their clicks counted, the amount of money the player has earned and the amount of money the player has spent. Each team has their collective total clicks counted, their total money earned, their total money spent and their current balance. Additionally, a hidden statistic is counting the amount of Wooden Axes, Stone Axes and Iron Axes both individual players and teams as a whole purchase. These values are not on the statistics message but can be estimated via the achievements message when certain goals are achieved.
Achievements are a fun way to encourage players to carry their weight so they may meet specific goals in their playthrough. There is no reward for completing achievements aside from satisfaction. Achievements obtainable are as follows:
There is a total of 27 achievements to obtain
For reaching certain click thresholds (11 to obtain):
"Friends or Enemies?": Get a click score of 1
"Baby Steps": Get a click score of 10
"Triple Digits": Get a click score of 100
"Tap, Tap, Tap": Get a click score of 500
"Click, Wait, Repeat": Get a click score of 1000
"Hand Hurty": Get a click score of 2500
"Hand Hurty More": Get a click score of 5000
"Hand Hurty Badly": Get a click score of 10000
"My Friend, Definitely": Get a click score of 50000
"Nevermind, For Sure Enemies": Get a click score of 50001
"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome": Get a click score of 100000
For purchasing wooden tools (5 to obtain):
"Didn't I Already Have One of These?": Purchase 1 Wooden Axe
"I Gone Got The Wooden Axes": Purchase 10 Wooden Axes
"They're Better Than Wooden Spoons": Purchase 25 Wooden Axes
"I Should Probably Upgrade Now": Purchase 50 Wooden Axes
"I Didn't Listen and Bought 50 More": Purchase 100 Wooden Axes
For purchasing stone tools (5 to obtain):
"Upgrade Baby!": Purchase 1 Stone Axe
"I Gone Got The Stone Axes": Purchase 10 Stone Axes
"Do Stone Spoons Exist?": Purchase 25 Stone Axes
"This Time I'll Upgrade Early": Purchase 50 Stone Axes
"I Still Didn't Listen and Bought 50 More": Purchase 100 Stone Axes
For purchasing iron tools (5 to obtain):
"My Tool Shiny Now!": Purchase 1 Iron Axe
"I Gone Got The Iron Axes": Purchase 10 Iron Axes
"Wooden Spoons Are Better": Purchase 25 Iron Axes
"Well, I Can't Upgrade Anymore": Purchase 50 Iron Axes
"I Still Bought 50 More Though": Purchase 100 Iron Axes
For joining a team (1 to obtain):
"My New Home": Join any team
Log Clicker Patch Notes
Patch 0.0.0
New additions -
There have been no new additions added to this game yet.
Changes/fixes -
There have been no changes made to this game yet.
Any new patch notes will be added here
Log Clicker Links
There are currently no official links for Log Clicker^TM.