Details regarding game title information
Title Information
This page describes information displayed at the top of each game page. Discussed in detail below are what the subtitles "Status", "Edition", and "Version" mean.
✦ Announced
The game has been announced publicly via the xSnipez Games Discord Server or other social platforms.
Games listed as announced will be available under the 'Announced' filter in the Games catalogue.
Game thumbnails will be updated for any games that are set as announced.
✦ Released
The game has been officially released to the public, meaning you can play it.
Games listed as released will be available under the 'Released' filter in the Games catalogue.
Game thumbnails will be updated for any games set to be released.
Version Number
Each publication of a game has an identifiable factor concerning its development stage in the version number.
✦ full-release
A game's full release is defined by the first digit in the version number.
This is what separates a first edition from a remastered edition.
✦ update-release
The update release is defined by the second digit in the version number.
An "update" usually takes longer than a patch and contains a lot of new content as opposed to bug fixes.
✦ patch-release
The patch release is defined by the third digit in the version number.
A "patch" has a focal point on correcting any bugs that were reported/discovered in the update cycle.
✦ hotfix-release
The hotfix release is defined as a part of the patch release, represented by a 5 after the patch number.
A "hotfix" has a focal point on correcting any bugs that were reported/discovered in the update cycle too, except they are released usually right after updates and contain a lower amount of fixes.